Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Makeover Me :)

Below is the original picture that i chose to edit.
and here is the final picture after all the changes were made.
and here is the final picture, with all the changes that were made along with stars next to each change.
Okay so there is a star that is up on my forehead, by my hair and that one is to point out that i changed parts of my hair color, i added sections that were lighter. There is a star next to my eye because i added a little eye make up and also whitened the white part of my eyes and added highlights on my eye, where the light is hitting them. I whitened my teeth and added a light pink-ish tint to my lips which were the two stars by my mouth. There is a star on my neck because i removed a silver necklace that was awkwardly hung off to the side, hidden partially under my hair. The last two changes i made were changing the color of my shorts and changing the color of my nail polish. I made like seven or eight changes to this picture. It was kinda hard to decide what to change that would be noticeable enough but i liked this project! :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Masking Videos

Here is the picture that i created from watching those videos. I thought it was pretty hard to make and it was kinda hard to follow the videos and i wasnt quite sure if i was doing it right but i think it turned out okay.Below is the original picture

Monday, February 7, 2011

Skin Tone Correction

Above is the original picture with a little bit of a problem area on the girls cheek and nose. The picture below is the final picture in which her skin tone has been corrected.

Wrinkle Removal

Here is the original picture and below is the final picture where the womans wrinkles have been removed using the healing tool

Whitening Teeth

Here is the original picture and below is the final picture. I whitened her teeth and the white area in her eyes.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Eye Makeup

Here is the before picture of the girls eye without any makeup
Here is the after picture. I added a bit of eye liner to the top and bottom and some eye shadow.

Nose Retouching

Here is the original picture of the girl and her nose has a slight bump on it. Below is the final picture where the bump was removed by going to filter-liquify and then using the pucker tool

Hair Color Change

Here is the original picture that i used. I changed sections of her hair color using the quick mask tool. Super easy and turned out good :)
And Here is the final picture with the sections of different color.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Inner You-Shadow Portrait

Here is my Shadow Portrait thingy. The shadow i chose was the silhouette of a figure skater because i love to figure skate. I had a hard time finding a good background and a silhouette to use that would be recognizable but in the end it turned out ok.