Monday, October 4, 2010

Sign/Logo Replica

The Picture on top is the original sign that i was going to re-create. I didn't know what logo or sign to pick and I didn't want to pick something that was common or more likely for other people to pick, and when i found this I liked it because of the colors and feel overall. :)The one on bottom is my replica of this diner sign. I didn't really have any problems re-creating it, the only thing that was kinda hard was finding fonts to match the original ones. If there is anything I could have or should have done differently please comment! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks pretty good, the typography could use work. Sometimes you can't match the font, so you have to trace with the pen tool. Also you could have gotten some of the effects with use of the character palette, changing the size and positions in the 'all'.
